Thursday, October 13, 2005

Small steps

Air travelers with disabilities in Europe stand to gain some additional consideration. EU ministers have approved rules giving air passengers the right to assistance for physical disabilities. If you think this is a superfluous measure in this day and age, you haven't been reading this blog. This is needed especially in Europe. The rules do have some outs, like an aircraft that's too small to accommodate someone or the ever popular "safety reasons." But at this point something needs to go on the books. The EU parliament should pass this legislation.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Links access

A pair of golfers, one who operates a website dedicated to golf for the disabled, is suing Marriot International Inc. The ADA suit filed by Richard Thesing, of California, and co-plaintiff Lawrence Celano, of Arizona does not seek monetary damages, just that Marriot provide adaptive golf carts. Thesing operates

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tropical access

Accessibility to ports in the Caribbean is improving, according to this article. Good thing the foreign cruise ship companies are being made to live up to the ADA, so people who can enjoy that port accessibility can get there in the first place.