Thursday, November 03, 2005

Gambling on discrimination

Michael O'Leary, CEO of Ryanair, perhaps the world's most proudly discriminatory airline toward the disabled, has said his company is sticking by its limit for disabled people per flight. Recently, a group of nine blind passengers were taken off a Ryanair flight because they had not given prior notice of their disability to the airline. "The limit is not discriminatory. It is there for safety reasons. This group of nine didn't notify us they were blind. I would take them off tomorrow," O'Leary told The Independent. In the same article, O'Leary revealed that Ryanair plans to pursue in-flight gambling that might be so lucrative that it could drastically increase the number of seats it could give away -- perhaps even to 100 percent. With that wad of cash in the bank, perhaps they will also be able to serve an unlimited number of disabled people -- safely.

But don't bet on it.


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