Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Accessibility in UK facts found

This Belfast Telegraph Digital article on the 30th anniversary of the publishing of a landmark study on the accessibility of British tourism taught me several things:

1.) "...there are around 10 million people registered as disabled in the UK, of which Visit Britain estimates roughly 2.5 million are regular travelers."

2.) "... much progress (in accessibility) has been made by the UK's larger hotel chains, Best Western being a notable example. While improvements are due in part to government legislation such as the Disability Discrimination Act of 1995, many chains have not only improved access but use mystery shoppers to test its effectiveness."

3.) " Of the UK's 10 million registered disabled ...' only around 5 per cent actually use a wheelchair. The remainder comprise a range of disabilities, and improving access information for these groups represents a real challenge for the future.'"

4.) Denmark is a leader in accessible tourism. "West Jutland, for example, has undertaken major works on wooden footpaths to make sure all its beaches now have disabled access."

Tourism for All is behind this. Nice work.


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