Buzzin': Tiger Airways
There's some blogosphere buzz being generated by Tiger Airways refusal to allow an Australian woman, traveling with her family, to board a plane because she is disabled:
- "Being a budget airlines doesn't excuse the airline from giving bad services."
-- Some interesting comments to this post of an article about the incident at Little Speck -- one from Australia, where the family is from, and one from Singapore. Neither defend Tiger.
-- At Tomorrow Bulletin of Singapore Bloggers you can read several comments following a post on the incident and learn about the airways lengthy response policy and read a particularly harsh suggestion for disciplining the pilot that refused the disabled passenger. Key quote from commenter anonymous coward: "Guess the elderly can all stay home and forget about travelling when they retire..."
-- From the Australian side of the issue, Welsh Dog at Opinion Australia includes a link to Tiger's contact Web page for those wishing to express theri displeasure directly.
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