Monday, January 08, 2007

Study: Airlines have room for improvement in accomodating disabled

American airlines are much better at accommodating passengers with disabilities than some of their counterparts around the world, as many posts on this blog will testify. But even US airlines have room for improvement, points out this article by Jane Engle of the Los Angeles Times. She outlines several shortcomings of the industry found in a recent study -- the key one for this blog's readers being:
'The promise: "Properly accommodate disabled and special-needs passengers.'
The reality: More than 80 percent of fliers with disabilities encountered problems, such as insensitive staff and delays in requested service at U.S. airlines and airports, according to a 2005 survey by the Harris Interactive polling company that the report cites.
Twelve of the 15 airlines and their contractors, the inspector general found, were not complying with their own policies or with federal requirements for training employees to interact with passengers with disabilities.

(Image via


At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recently I've read several reports about airlines and their crappy treatment of the disabled. With all the laws on the books what's it going to take?


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