Friday, February 23, 2007

Oregon wildlife viewing station accessible

Looking to watch some wildlife in Oregon? The Albany (Oregon) Democrat-Herald reports: "Denman Wildlife Management Area provides a covered viewing station with a good opportunity to view waterfowl, egrets, raptors and songbirds. The structure was built by the Oregon Hunters Association and is accessed by a paved, wheelchair-accessible pathway. It is on the Whetstone Pond, just north of the ODFW Rogue Watershed Field Office in Central Point." (Eagle photo by jamsheed via

Traveling to Edinburgh to become more accessible from Prestonpans

Catching a train to Edinburgh from the Prestonpans area is a logistical tangle. But improvements to access are slated for the Prestonpans station that will make the convenient direct route possible. The experiences of Janet Henderson, 45, of Prestonpans illustrate the need: “My life could be made a lot easier if there was wheelchair access at the Prestonpans station so anything there would be greatly appreciated by me. It was fine when I lived in Musselburgh because they have facilities there and I could do my shopping in Edinburgh when I needed to. But I’d have to get on and off at Musselburgh or Wallyford and book a taxi to get home which puts a massive obstacle in front of me. I have felt barred from using the train since I’ve lived here – which is absolutely pathetic in this day and age. It all comes down to budgets.” (Photo by kettu via

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Farm attraction has accessible cottage

Feeding hay and carrots to miniature ponies. Stirring chicken feed. Collecting eggs. Checking the rabbit hutches. Keeping a naughty dog, out of trouble. Placating the peacock.
Sound like your idea of fun? You're in luck. That's some of the line-up of diversions at Myalls Away Farm Cottages in Quorrobolong, New South Wales, Australia, according to this The Sydney Morning Herald article. The farm has two cottages, one which is advertised as being accessible to people with disabilities. (Chicken photo by Matthew Bridges via

Monday, February 19, 2007

UK airlines should have to follow DDA says group's leader

Allowing airlines an exemption to the UK's Disability Discrimination Act seems to be resulting in a lack of service, the leader of one prominent rights for the disabled organization says. "Some areas of serious failings by flight operators found by this research would be made unlawful if disabled people's rights were to be extended as we propose. It would also send a clear message to the aviation industry that gratuitous discrimination against disabled people is not to be tolerated," said DPTAC Chairman Neil Betteridge. (Photo from

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Where tourism businesses can pick up cash revealed

Australian Erik Leipoldt nails the crux of the should I make my travel related business accessible question in this Malaysia Star column by “Thousands of people with disabilities in Western countries can now afford to travel. But, of course, they can only spend their dollars in places they can get to – and where they’re made to feel welcome."
(photo by Jane M. Sawyer via

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Website for getting around Bristol launched

If you're a person with disabilities and looking to travel in the greater Bristol UK area, checking out should be well-worth your time. The new site has advice about most accessibility topics from transit to toilets. A nice job goes out to Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council and South Gloucestershire Council for creating this resource. (Photo of fireworks over Clifton Suspension Bridge by Britain on View/Pavel Libera)